You can trust puredeals with your privacy. This privacy statement outlines the types of personal data we gather and how we utilize it. For more information on privacy policies in general, see our privacy policy primer.
Basic visitor data is tracked by all web servers. Included in this data are IP addresses, browser details, timestamps, and referring pages, among other things. None of this data allows for the identification of specific site visitors. The data is kept track of for regular administration and maintenance needs.
uses cookies to retain data about a visitor's preferences and history as appropriate in order to better serve the visitor and/or deliver personalized content.
In order to display adverts and other helpful information, advertising partners and other third parties may also use cookies, scripts, and/or web beacons to track visitors to our site. These third parties do the direct tracking on their own servers and in accordance with their own privacy policies.
If your privacy is a concern, you can adjust your browser settings to disable cookies. It's not advised to disable cookies on all websites because doing so can make it difficult for you to utilize some of them. The ideal course of action is to disable or
If your privacy is a concern, you can adjust your browser settings to disable cookies. It's not advised to disable cookies on all websites because doing so can make it difficult for you to utilize some of them. The ideal course of action is to disable or
Cookies may be used to manage any adverts provided by Google, Inc. and connected businesses. Based on your visits to this site and other websites that make use of Google's advertising services, Google is able to display adverts thanks to these cookies.
DISCLOSURE: If you use one of our discounts or links to make a purchase, we may receive a compensation. These are brand affiliate links for companies we work with.